Bill Reference Prefixes for BOQ Reports


Bill of Quantities (also known as 'the Bill' or 'BOQ') is a specially formatted report which generates unique bill reference numbers for items in your estimate. 

The reference will depend on a number of configurable options that control how a bill is presented.

Clicking the System BOQ Settings button in the BOQ Settings group is where you access the
the setting for your Bill of Quantities reporting.

BOQ Prefix Options

1. On the Data tab, in the BOQ tools, click Options.



Fig 1. BOQ options

2. You can make alterations to the BOQ References numbering prefix and click OK.


Fig 2. Numbering Prefix

3. To display the BOQ reference column in an estimate, right mouse click on the Description heading row and select Column Chooser.


Fig 3. Column Chooser

4. Click and drag and drop Bill Ref. on to the Estimate Sheet.


Fig 4. Estimate sheet

Note: Simply run any BOQ report and it will auto-assign BOQ References to your Estimate. If new items are added into the Estimate and require a BOQ Reference number to be assigned, simply rerun any BOQ report.


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  • I've followed these steps but must be doing something wrong, as the reference number never shows in print. I'm quite new to Cubit and just finding my way around the programme.

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  • Hello Fiona, I have created a ticket now to assist you with your query.

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  • Can't apply Bill references to all trades

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