Plan Revision and Aligning


Feature Availability: Version 9 and below.

Plan Revision:

Plan Revisions allows you to import revised plans and compare the differences between the plans. It makes viewing changes like walls, floor space or openings easy to do.


To Revise Plan on version 9 or below only:

1. Select the plan in the Plans tab, for which you want to add revision

2. From the Plans Tab, click to Add Revision

3. Browse on the computer to add the revised plan


Fig 1. Add Revision

Align Plan:

Sometimes you would see the plans are a bit off and not properly aligned above each other. In such a case, you can use the Align Option to overlap the plans correctly.

Note:  The different colours of the take-off will be displayed on Vector plan types only. In Raster plan types the take-off will be displayed in Grey colour.

Fig 2. Unaligned Plans

1. In the Plans ribbon, click on the Align button.


Fig 3. Align 

2. Pick 2 Node points on the plan which is off.


Fig 4. Original Takeoff position

3. Select 2 more points on the plan, where the first chosen Line needs to be moved to.

Fig 5. Final Take ff position

The Plan will now be aligned and overlapping with each other more accurately.

Fig 6. Aligned Plan

4. Finalise to save the revision.


Fig 7. Finalise Job Revision

Finalise Revision on version 9 or older only:

1. From the Plans Tab, click to Finish Revision


Fig 8. Finalise Job Revision



Move / Relocate Shapes on a Plan

How To Edit Existing Shapes

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  • Hi Mike,

    By itself you are correct, this article is out of date.
    There is an article on the new Job Revision function which this is used in conjunction with.
    This can be found at the link below.

    Admittedly we are behind in some areas, but are working as quickly as possible to address these issues.

    Our apologies for the confusion, trouble, or inconvenience this causes, but bear with us and we'll sort out the issues.
    By all means definitely raise anything with us that you feel needs addressing and we will happy look into these items.

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  • The main restriction that you don't mention is the inability of Cubit to revise from one .dwg to another.

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  • Hello Mike,
    There is no restriction with revising DWG plans that we are aware of.
    Request you to share more information along with the sample plans to if are experiencing any such problems when revising.

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  • You mention to amend the takeoffs ( if needed), yet you have no instruction on how to do this.

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  • Hello Bernice,
    We have detailed the steps to edit the shapes in separate articles.
    I have now added references to those articles for your help. Please check.

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  • Can we align TIFF drawings in different job revisions?

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  • This How-to Guide is way out of date! I'm on Cubit Build 11.
    Even the built-in User Guide bears no relationship to the Menus in Build 11.
    How long before you catch up?

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