If you get the error below when starting Cubit Estimating then the software is having problems with connected to the database that hold the Cubit Estimating data.
Fig1. Failed Connection
To resolve this issue follow the steps below:
1. Click "Windows Start" button and search for "Services" (This may be different depending on the version of Windows you have installed).
Fig2. Windows Start
2. In the following services window, search through the list to find either;
"postgresql-x64-9.2 - PostgreSQL Server 9.2" for 64-bit Operating System
"postgresql-9.2 - PostgreSQL Server 9.2" for 32-bit Operating System
Fig3. Service Not Running
3. Right mouse click on the PostgreSQL service from the list and select "Properties".
Fig4. Services
4. In the PostgreSQL Properties box , click the "Start" button to start the PostgreSQL service.
Fig5. Services Properties
5. If the Postgresql service starts up then you will be able to start Cubit Estimating normally.
6. In case the service fails to start up, click the "Log On" tab, select "Local System account", and then try starting the service again.
Fig6. Local System Account
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