When you want to convert a simple job into a material\labour information job, or vice versa, then do the following:
- Open Cubit Estimating to the Job Manager screen.
- Select and then Right mouse click on the job you wish to convert.
- Click the "Convert" option from the pop-up menu.
- Select either "Simple" or "Material\Labour" as needed.
Fig.1 Job Mode
When converted you will see that a new job will be created in the list. The job name will have the mode of the job converted to.
Fig.2 Converted Job
The default Job mode is set in the Cubit Estimating Options.
Fig.3 Cubit Estimating Option
Set the Estimate configuration to Simple or Material/Labour mode as desired. All the new jobs created after will be created in the mode set.
Fig.4 Job Option
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