Cubit Estimating allows for take-off curve or arc shapes.
To Draw an ARC
1. Left mouse click at the start point
2. Left mouse click at the endpoint and hold the mouse button.
3. While holding the mouse button down, move the mouse cursor where you want the line to a curve.
Note: If the Curve is not very accurate, you can add edit shape and add more node points to correct the shape.
Fig 1. Drawing an arc
To Edit and Correct the Shape
1. Click Select button from the Home Ribbon.
Fig 2. Select Mode
2. Double click on the drawn shape.
Note: You will see the yellow node point when the shape is in edit mode.
Fig 3. Edit Mode
3. Hold CTRL Key and then left mouse on the shape to add more node points.
4. Click on the node point to drag them and correct the shape.
Fig 4. Node Points
works great thanks
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