This job cannot be opened as its price list is missing


When opening a job in Global or Offsider Estimating, if you get a message saying 'This job cannot be opened as its price list [PricelistName] is missing' it means that the price list associated with this job does not exist.


Fig 1. Missing Price List

This is a common problem when the job has come from an external source. In such a case, you will need to get the price list sent to you as well and then import it into Global or Offsider Estimating.

If the price list does not matter then you can simply change the price list being used by the job to an existing price list.

To change the price list:

1. In the Job Manager screen, select the job in the job list.


Fig 2. Job List

2. Double click the price list drop-down menu.


Fig 3. Change Price List

3.  Use the up and down arrow keys on your keyboard to change the price list.


Fig 4. Default Pricelist

The job can be opened normally after.



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