Rate Analysis of a Cubit Estimating Job


Grouping a Job on Rate

They are 2 way a Job can be sorted on Rate code

1) Inside the Job itself: Please refer to  Job Grouping more detailed Information.

2) Outside the Job: Job Grouping is done from the Job Manager window and creates a new sorted Job, leaving the original Job unchanged. Job Grouping will automatically create a new Folder in the Job Manager for your Job and the Grouped Job.

After a Code has been assigned and applied to a Job, you can reorganise that Job by the assigned Codes; this is called Job Grouping.

For more information on Coding the job, Please refer to Assigning Group Codes.

Jobs can be grouped by either Quantities, Rates or Price List. You can Group a single Job multiple times and from Cubit Estimating Pro, you can Group a Job for each assigned Code Group.

Highlight the job on the Job List on the Job Manager screen.
Click the Group Job icon on the ribbon and select to sort the Job either On Quantity/Rate/Price list.

Fig.1 Group Job

Configurations for Grouping
There are different configurations when you Group a Job, including what information is
transferred to a new job and how the Grouped Job interprets the codes.

Click on the drop down arrow on Group by : Select the code file you wish to use for the analysis.

Estimating name: Enter a job name for the analysed job.
Inspect down to:  Inspecting at the Item Sheet level will only Group your Job from the Item sheet, and ignore any Codes applied at the Rate Sheet.
Inspecting at the Rate sheet level will prioritise codes applied to the Rate sheet. Inspecting at this level will still resort Items coded in the Item sheet if no Codes are applied at the Rate Sheet.

Ignore rate if item coded:
This option will prioritise any Items with Codes applied at the Item sheet rather than Rate Sheet. Using this you can group across a combination of Estimate item and Rate items.

This can be used in a scenario where you have items coded in Rate sheet but you do not want to include those items in the grouping. You then need to add a code at the estimate item level which will override the Rate sheet coding.

When creating a Grouped View, you can choose to include the Calculation sheets and Rate sheets of your Items. You might include Calculation sheets and Rate sheets if you want to be able to access additional information in your View.

Description to Use:
When creating a Grouped View that is inspected down to the Rate sheet level, you can choose to include additional details in the Item Description. If you select Item sheet Description, any Items from the Rate sheet will use the Description of the Item from the Item sheet. If you select Rate sheet Description, any Items from the Rate sheet will use their own Descriptions. If you select Combined Description, any Items from the Rate sheet will use the Description of the Item from the Rate sheet, separated by a colon and then use the Description from the Item sheet.

Accumulate Trade Qty:
A Grouped Job will typically not display Trade and sub Totals by default. If you check Accumulate
Trade Qty when grouping, these totals will be displayed.

Minimise Rounding Errors:
All jobs use rounding to simplify the Rates and Quantities of an Estimate. You can also apply
additional rounding to individual Items, Rates or Quantities. Minimise rounding errors is checked
by default and ensures the Rates and Quantities in the Grouped Job are as close to the original
as possible.

Click on Group button to start Analysis/Sorting. Once sorting is complete, a new Project Folder will be created and the sorted job will be created under it.

Fig.2 Group on Rate sheet

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