Cordell Direct supplies real-time data and business tools to the construction industry. It delivers sales leads, marketing data, and fast estimating solutions to its users. Cordell Direct is the marketing branch of the software Cordell and can be integrated with Cubit Estimating.
Establishing integration
To begin with Cordell Direct integration, you will need to link your Cordell Direct account with Cubit Estimating.
1. Open your Cubit Estimating Job.
2. Selecting the Data tab along to top tool menu, There will be a section labelled Import. Under this section, you will find a Cordell Direct button.
Fig 1. Cordell Direct Import
3. Clicking the Cordell Direct button will present you with a drop-down list. In this list, you will be presented with Login, Import Hierarchy and Import Items.
Fig 2. Cordell Direct
4. Clicking Login will open a new webpage on the Cordell Direct login page. Enter your Cordell Email and Password to connect with Cordell Direct.
Fig 3. Cordell Direct Login
Importing Items from Cordell Direct
Create a Cordell File for Cubit Estimating
1. Create a new list in Cordell by clicking the New icon which will bring you to a new window.
Fig 4. Create New Cordell list
2. In this new window, you will be able to select what items you’d like to integrate over to Cubit Estimating. Selected items will appear with a red highlight.
Fig 5. Selected Cordell Items
3. Once you’ve selected all items you’d like to import, you can view these by clicking View Selected Items at the top of the window.
Fig . View Selected Items
4. A window will appear where you can tick on what items you’d like to import into Cubit Estimating. This is indicated by the tick box to the right of each item. You can select all items by clicking the tick box in the top heading row. Once you have selected all items clicking the Copy Items button will prepare these items for Cubit Estimating.
Fig 6 . Tick Items to be imported into Cubit
Importing items from Cordell into Cubit Estimating
In Cubit Estimating there are two options which can be used to import. Import Items or Import Hierarchy. Selecting Import Items will just import the items that were selected in Cordell Direct. Selecting Import Hierarchy will import items with the structure and headings that were set up in Cordell Direct.
Import items
1. Clicking Import Items from the Cordell Direct dropdown menu, will import items as is, without headings.
Fig 7. Import items
Fig 8. Estimate after Importing items
Import Hierarchy
1. Clicking Import hierarchy from the Cordell Direct dropdown menu, will import items with the hierarchy that was set up within Cordell.
Fig 9. Import hierarchy
Fig 10. Estimate after Import hierarchy
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