Sharing Jobs with other Cubit Estimating users


Cubit Estimating jobs can be easily shared between other standalone Cubit Estimating users. Jobs can be exported as *.CBX files to be imported into another Cubit Estimating user device.

To Export a Job:

A Job can be Exported/Backed up from the Job Manager.

1. Select in the Job tab.

2. Select the Job/s you want to export.

Note: To select multiple Jobs hold the CTRL key and right mouse on each of the job.

3. On the Home tab, click Export.


Fig 1. Home Ribbon on the Job Manager 

4. From the Export Job window, click the Job Export path to browse your computer for where you want to save your Job.

Fig 2. Export Job window

5. Select which components of your Job you want to export. 

Note: When exporting you can include your Calculation Sheet, Rate Sheet, Option Set and attached Plans. By default, all options are selected, but you can clear any option to exclude it.

6. Click Export.

7. Your Job will be now saved as a CBX file in the nominated folder location.

To import a Job: 

You can import a Job from the Job Manager window

1. Select the Job tab.

2. Select the Project, you wish to import the Job into.

3. On the Home ribbon, click Import.   


Fig 3. Home Ribbon - Import 

4. Browse your computer to the folder location where the Job is saved.

5. Click OK

6. From the Import Job(s) window select the Job you want to import.

7.  Click Import.


 Fig 4. Import Job list

Note: When importing a Job, the Status column shows if any Plans are missing. A Cubit Estimating Job cannot be imported without the associated Plans, you can however browse your computer to attach the relevant plans.

To search for missing plans, click on the set of ellipsis (...) beside the Look for missing drawings in folder:, browse your computer to find the relevant plans.

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  • Savitha, would you like to add to the article with all the things that don't get imported?
    For instance, the Windows and Doors that have been created by one person don't seem to be added to the Windows and Doors library of the new user when they import the job.
    Are there other items we should be aware of, such as constants?

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  • Hi Mike, Thank you for your comment on this article.
    I will create a support ticket for your query and get more information.

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