How to subscribe to product updates


As changes in the construction industry and technological advances continue, it’s important to keep up to date with industry standards and expectations. That’s why our dedicated team of Australian-based developers are working tirelessly to ensure your software runs seamlessly and effectively. Our team is focused on delivering innovative and exciting features to our software, so we offer regular updates to ensure our software is meeting industry expectations.

Here are some ways you can keep up to date with updates and upgrades to our software:

Subscribe to our Help Centre

Subscribe to Social Media channels

Visit our Website Blog



Subscribe to our Help Centre:

For Cubit Estimating Updates:

You can receive email notifications about the release notes and other important product announcements, by following our Cubit Estimating Product Updates section on our website.

Click Follow as shown below.mceclip1.png
                                                                        Fig 1. Follow for Cubit Estimating product updates

For Cubit Select Updates:

You can receive email notifications about the release notes and other important product announcements, by following our Cubit Select Product Updates section on our website.

Click Follow as shown below.
                                                                         Fig 2. Follow for Cubit Select product updates


Subscribe to Social Media channels

We'll put posts up on our social channels for each Major release. You can Like/Subscribe/Follow to each of these channels to keep up to date, and also for other information. 
Here's where you can access our different channels: 
You Tube

Visit our Website Blog:

Each time we have a major release, we publish a blog with details of what's been included in the release. You can visit the Website blog, and subscribe at the bottom of any article.

Email Communication:

We email customers to let them know about Major releases along with important bug fixes.


To ensure you receive these emails, you can subscribe here
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