Global/Offsider Estimating licences can be used to activate the software on multiple devices. The licence first needs to be deactivated on any existing devices before activating on another device.
To deactivate the licence on an existing device:
1. On the toolbar, click Licensing and then Deactivate License.
Fig 1. Licensing
2. A validation notification like below will be shown. Click Yes to proceed.
Fig 2. Deactivate Licence
3. A confirmation reference like below will appear upon successful deactivation.
Note: This is a confirmation reference code only and cannot to be used to activate the software.
Fig 3. Deactivation Reference
To activate a Licence on a new device:
1. Right click on the Global/Offsider Estimating desktop icon and choose to Run as administrator.
Fig 4. Run as administrator
2. Enter all the details in the register page and click Register to activate.
Fig 5. Register Licence
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