How to retrieve a deleted file in ESW


Restore is the name given to the function when information has been backed up either to the computer's hard drive, shared media such as a portable disk or a network drive and is later needed to be copied back to your hard drive of the computer. The restore process has two prerequisites, the first being that a backup of the files exists (the backup process is outside the scope of this document) and the second is that you have access to the backup file.

To Restore a file

To restore a deleted file.

  1. Start Global Estimating or Offsider Estimating.
  2. Click on the Restore button.

    Fig 1.  Restore icon

  3. Click on the Browse button to select the destination folder to restore from and click OK.
  4. Select the job you would like to restore by placing a tick in the box next to the jobname.
  5. Click on the Restore button
  6. You will be informed of the progress with a status box.
  7. Press OK when finished.
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