Markup in Cubit Estimating causes Cubit Select and Cubit Estimating to show different totals


Applies to: Cubit 8 and above

You have sent a Cubit Estimating Job to Cubit Select but notice the totals between Cubit Estimating and Cubit Select do not match.  This could be because a Markup has been applied either to an item or trade heading in your Estimate Sheet. 

How to determine if your job has markups

The markup column is used to add a markup to the cost of an item or trade heading, it can be used to designate either a markup or a discount.


Fig 1. Cubit Estimate with markup applied.

How to display the same total?

A Cubit Estimating Estimate or Grouped Job view can be sent to Cubit Select. However, markups will be stripped from the totals before sent to Cubit Select.  To help avoid discrepancies, Markups should not be applied to an item or trade heading. 


Fig 2. Cubit Estimate without markup


Fig 3. Cubit Estimate Job with matching totals.

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