How to draw deductions with new and existing Cubit Estimating shapes


Drawing deduction is a way to exclude certain parts of the shape you have drawn from appearing on your totals such as doorways, garage doors etc. Following are the 2 ways to draw deductions.

Deductions for new shapes

1. Create a new item

2. Set the result type and unit

3. Open New task window from the View Ribbon

Fig 1. View Ribbon

 4. In the New Task window, click the deduction checkbox

5. Change other values you wish to make to the shape

Fig 2. New Task

6. Draw the shape on the plan

7. The drawn shape will be automatically marked as a deduction

Fig 3. Deduction

Deductions on existing shapes

1.  In the Estimate pane, select the Item line you want to deduct

2. Open the plan to be used for take-off in the Viewport

3. Draw the deduction shape on the plan

4. In the Calculation Sheet for the Item, you will notice the shapes you have drawn

5. Select the shape you have just drawn that you wish to become a deduction by clicking on the item in the Calculation Sheet

6. Under the "-" column (minus), tick the box to create the deduction

Note: Any deduction in Cubit Estimating will be displayed on Red text and the totals will be recalculated

Fig 4. Calculation Sheet deduction

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