This article will assist you with releasing your license key from Global or Offsider so that it can be migrated and reinstalled on another computer.
Before the program is migrated over to another computer, we strongly recommend exporting any job or group code information that you’ll be working on over this period.
Preparing to work from home with Global/Offsider
Standalone License Keys
1. Deactivate License Key
If you are using a Standalone floating license all you’ll need to do is deactivate your license key on your work computer and install on your home computer.
To do this, Click on Licensing in the upper left hand side of the screen, this will open a menu.
Fig 1.Global/Offsider Licensing Button - Upper left hand side
Once open you’ll see the option to deactivate the license.
Fig 2. Deactivate License button
This will open a new window for you now. This window will advise you that you are deactivating the software on your system. Click ‘Deactivate’.
Fig 3. Deactivation window
This will then confirm with yourself that you want to deactivate the machine.
Fig 4. Deactivation prompt
You will then get a confirmation that this has been released.
Fig 5. Deactivation complete
The program will then automatically close. When the program is opened again it will prompt for a license key.
Once the license is deactivated on your work computer, you can then use that same license key when you install Global/Offsider on your home computer.
If there are any issues deactivating your license contact support by emailing or by submitting a helpdesk ticket. Please include some information letting us know you are releasing a license to work from home, include;
- The company name
- The version of Global/Offsider you are using
- If you know which license you are using including that will also be beneficial
You will need to install Global/Offsider as a standalone in this instance.
Please use our installation guide for assistance with installing Global/Offsider on your home computer. This guide can be found below;
Global/Offsider Standalone Installation Guide
Network and Terminal Server License Keys
1. Deactivate License Key
Network and Terminal server license keys will not have the option to ‘Deactivate License’. You can still move this license to your home computer however the process is slightly different from Standalone licenses.
During this time period we are currently converting Network and Terminal licenses over to Standalone licenses at the request of customers free of charge.
Please contact support by emailing or by submitting a helpdesk ticket. Please include some information letting us know you are releasing a license to work from home, include;
- The company name
- The version of Global/Offsider you are using
- If you know which license you are using including that will also be beneficial
If you want to do this yourself you can backup your Global/Offsider data and uninstall the program. Our Preparing to work from home with Global/Offsider article will walk you through how to backup data in each part of Global/Offsider so that you can move it to a new machine.
For assistance with uninstalling the program you can visit the following article;
This article was created with Cubit in mind, however the process is the exact same. Except for selecting Cubit, you will select ‘Buildsoft Global Estimating’ or ‘Buildsoft Offsider Estimating’.
Once the license is deactivated on your work computer, you can then use that same license key when you install Global/Offsider on your home computer.
You will need to install Global/Offsider as a standalone in this instance.
Please use our installation guide for assistance with installing Global/Offsider on your home computer. This guide can be found below;
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