23 May 2021- Enhancements to Documents and Invitations


Buildsoft has released an important update for Cubit Select on Sunday the 23rd of May 2021.

New Features

Automatic Invitation Status Updates
The Accepted and Declined status of an invited supplier will now be automatically
updated by the Supplier response to the Invitation email, saving you from having to
manually go into each Trade Package to change the status.

Document Versioning
You can now add a new version to a document by uploading the new version with the
same file name as the existing document, and have that updated across your Trade
Packages and Supplier Portals. You can view a Version History of your documents
with details of when a version was added and who added it, and have the option to
Restore an older version of the document if required.

Trade Package Closing Date and Time
You can now set a Closing Date and Time for each trade package from the Trade
Packages page separate to the Closing Date and Time for the Job. This date and time
can also be updated when you send the invitation to the Supplier.

Imperial Units of Measurement
We now support the display of Imperial units of measurement for our North American
customers. They can choose from either F-I-F or F-I-S formats for displaying Imperial


● You will see prior notifications in Cubit Select for any upcoming maintenance.
● Suppliers will now see the Time zone for Closing date and Time in an
Invitation email.
● You can now see a tooltip displaying the list of trade packages that a Document
is assigned to on the Documents page.
● You will now see a compact layout of information on the Supplier details page.
● You will also see an improved notification for failed invitations and messages.


● Fixed an issue where adding a comment to a manual total on a heading on the
Quotes Comparison page would disposition the manual total pin.

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