Resolved Known Issue with Cubit Estimating Activating in Australia


We are aware some of our customers are experiencing issues accessing their license of Cubit Estimating. 

After consulting with ISP's we have identified it affects onlyTPG customer  and their affiliates


TPG has advised that it is due to planned maintenance and has advised referring to TPG Service Status for updates to when the service will be back to normal.


When attempting to activate you are presented with this error message.


If you experience this issue please contact the Support Team, and they will help you activate your license manually. 


As a preventative measure, we recommend unchecking the setting in your Cubit Options Release licence on exit.

From within Cubit Estimating, you can access the application menu from the top left corner of your software. Uncheck this option from the Cubit Estimating Options window, in the General tab in the Licencing Group. 




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