On occasion, you may find yourself needing to update an existing price list in Cubit Estimating from an Excel file.
To do this, you will need to make sure the Excel file has the reference codes that match the codes for each item in the Cubit Estimating price list.
The current reference codes for the items in the price list can be seen in the Ref Column when you open the price list.
These codes will allow you to use reference formulas to refer to link to these items.
Fig.1 Cubit Estimating Price List Reference Codes
The Excel file containing the updates can then be imported into the price list using the Excel import function on the toolbar of the price list.
For more information on the process of importing data from Excel into a Price list or Job, see the links below to related articles.
Import Excel CSV data Into Cubit Estimating Pricelist
Import Excel CSV data Into Cubit Estimating Job
Fig.1 Excel Insert Option
In the screenshot below, there are four columns in the Excel file being imported.
The first is the trade heading, the second is the item description, the third is the reference code, and the fourth is the rate.
These columns can be defined using the Source Column drop down boxes on the right hand side of the import window.
Fig.1 Excel Import
When the Update button is clicked, any items in the Excel file that differ from the price list will be updated.
Any new items will be added.
Thank you, this is much easier to understand. Unfortunatley, this is literally at the end of the how-to guides schedule.
If my price list duplicate how can i re insert to clear the duplicate?
Hi Tanintoa,
If the price list itself is duplicated, then you should be able to just delete the duplicate price list from the Job Manager screen by selecting the duplicate price list, and then clicking the delete button on the toolbar.
However, if the price list's contents are duplicated when you update it via an Excel file, you would need to select the duplicate lines and delete them.
I would then recommend checking the Excel file to make sure things like the Ref code for the items match up between the price list and the Excel file.
If the Ref codes are different then Cubit will import the items as new items.
If this continues to trouble you, however, I suggest raising a ticket with us so that we can investigate the specifics and advise a solution.
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