Length by Centre

How to use Length by Centre (under the Result Type of Takeoff) for wall. I have no problem using Length by Centre on the Floor as I will just draw polyline at the corner of the floor. I don't have any idea on how this is applied on the wall. 



  • It would be great if we could add points onto the plans we upload within cubit, doing so by indicating length away from adjacent points. However, if you want to do the centreline measurement I'd recommend on the floor plan estimating the centreline of the framing with your cursor in the Polyline format and marking each corner or measure to the end of the framing length. 

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  • When I have measured the roof purlins with length-by-centre, it appears the count does not include the starting point or closing point, and I therefore have to add two extra members to compensate. Is there a way to include the starting and closing points?

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  • Hi Grant

    You can include any parallel lines to your origin line (including the origin line) within the details panel of the shape you have made.

    Simply click on the shape in your calculation sheet, and adust with the functions that should now appear in the details panel. I have included a reference image below for the details panel. You can use the option "Parallel to Origin Line" to include these edges in your calculation.


    Please let us know if you have any other queries.

    Kind Regards

    Matthew Glynn
    Product Specialist

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  • Hi Emmanuel,

    Thank you for your query.

    At the moment the Length By Center tool is designed for use on a 2D plane. Therefore you could use it on an elevation plan, however this presents it's own challenges. 

    I have raised a ticket in our development team to look at implementing a "height by center" styled tool for the purpose of gaining calculations based on wall line measures. 

    If I can be of any further assistance, please let me know.


    Kind regards

    Matthew Glynn
    Product Specialist

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