What does the electronic measurement module cost and can it be used with my current system?

I have not used my Buildsoft for many years how and can it be updated to be modern as I have the choice now to use either Buildsoft or CostX but with electronic measurement required.



  • Hi Ben,

    Advice about the price of our products can be found here.

    Alternatively you can give your local sales manager a call, their details can be found here.

    I hope this helps.




    Buildsoft Support.

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  • Buildsoft has released some new software this year for electronic takeoff from PDF or CAD files. The program is called BT2 (Buildsoft Takeoff 2). If you would like a demonstration or trial, feel free to contact me.

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  • BT2 is $2445 including GST for new users, or $1495 including GST for existing Buildsoft users of Global Estimating or Offsider Estimating. For BTOS (original Buildsoft Take Off System) users who have a current support contract with Buildsoft, it is a free upgrade.

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