
Overlaying drawings

Hi guys,

You're probably aware of the similar costx feature - would love to have it in BT2




  • Hi David,


    We are more then happy to look into the possibility of adding this feature into the BT2 software.

    I would just like to get some additional details regarding this from yourself. I presume the overlaying function shows one plan over the top of another, from an estimators point of view what benefit does this provide, is it simply to compare the plans? Or does this particular feature provide additional benefits?


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  • Hi David,

    We have been looking at improving our Plan revision functionality. Especially when it comes to visual feedback and editing. This feature is currently in an active planning stage so it should hopefully be implemented for the next major update. Thanks for the suggestion and if you have further details about how you would like the feature to work please get in touch.

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  • G'day Michael 

    The importance of the overlay function is paramount to the saving of hours of sifting through plan changes especially in commercial projects where wholesale changes occur it will assist at the tender process and then at construction time for variation to the tender and i cant begin to emphasize the importance of this function. i have used Bluebeam to look for change but the function Costx has implemented is amazing in being able to overlay then slide the change into place and have it update the price automatically. the amount of time saved at the project for the contracts administrator would be enormous as the subcontractors are these days receiving wholesale changes and in many cases the plans are not noted as changed in any particular place but just general change so you need to check every plan if it concerns you or not. note in some cases a tender may require changes over a period of many months and i have personally worked on projects like the Soul apartments of 76 story's for up to 12 months before it reaches the final submission to the head contractor.

    Regards Brian      

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  • Hi Brian,

    Thank you for your suggestion. Our improved plan revision system is currently in development and scheduled to be released with our next major upgrade. I can't say much about it at this stage but from what you've written I think you'll like the new functionality. 

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  • Hi Brian,

    Will the newer version of  'BT2' have the similar/better overlay functions of 'CostX' ?

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  • Hi Jay,

    Sorry for the delay in getting back to you our forum software has had a few issues. 

    This functionality has been added in the Cubit release late last year. Our new Plan revision system enables you to quickly see all changes, additions and deletions from Plans in a specially layered visual presentation directly in your main viewport. That means you can see all the differences in the same view as you takeoff. This combined with our flexible workflow can drastically reduce the time you have to spend on change management compared to other software systems. 

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  • Hi,

    I would like to ask for this feature of overlaying drawings, which is different to Revisions.

    When you overlay drawings, normally you want to see different specialties on the same spot. For instance, overlaying an architectural drawing with a mechanical one, will allow you to understand if there are any pipelines or ducts going through specific walls and ceiling areas. That helps increasing the accurary of the estimates in any other areas as well. 

    At the moment, we need to go back and forth with several drawings in cubit, and we can only see one drawing on the viewport at the same time, which leads to mistakes when doing a manual takeoff. It would be good to have the following features:

    1- Create a coordinate point where several drawings could be aligned, and group all those drawings together so we can create packages of views (Architectural + Mechanicals + Ceiling + Etc etc)

    2- Being able to turn ON and OFF those drawings in that overlaying package on demand.

    Please note, this is totally different to being able to do a revision of the same drawing for changes.

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  • Hi Osman,

    Thanks for providing your suggestion here.
    I am currently reviewing your request and there may be some additional information we would want to gather from you regarding this.
    I may reach out to yourself directly on this shortly.


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  • Feel free to contact me if you have any queries in regards to this

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