
Openings not clear in BT2 calculation sheet

It would be really good to improve the way openings a re shown in the BT2 Calculation sheet. At the moment, all we get is the net result; there is no way you can easily see what openings have been deducted. Can these be listed in the calculation sheet, even if the area of them is not shown but just an item stating, say "Window 650x650 5 no" would be better than nothing



  • Have asked same question

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  • Michael,

    I would request the same as Mike and George and this feature would help the estimator to do a better job.

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  • Hi Mike,

    This feature is already present in BT2.
    When you enter is a door or a window on a certain drawing, you can view the deductions in the calc sheet by expanding the shape.
    This can be done by clicking the arrow to the left of the shape name in the calc sheet. Once expanded, it will display all deductions in red text.

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  • Thanks Jordan, don't remember spotting that before.

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  • When you add a door into a vertical area calculation the door area is deleted, but how do you get the system to 'count' the door (and its size/area) as an item.  Need for calculating paint finishes?

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  • How can we get the 'door' deduction (area measurement) added back in?  When doing a painting quote I need to deduct the door from the wall area, but still need to have the door measurement added back for painting the door?

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  • Sorry for our delay on getting back to your responses, we had an issue in the forum software which prevented the responses from coming through correctly.

    There is a feature now in Cubit where the doors\windows will be counted up in the estimate panel. This will also display the dimensions of the door\window.When you select a select a door or window from to insert from the toolbar, click on the New Task panel and you will find the new task details for the door or window you are inserting. If you tick the 'Autocounts Heading' heading the door or windows will be counted up in the estimate panel.

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