
Ability to flag the items in the estimate as reminders

Add the ability to flag certain items as required through out the estimate to act as a reminder to action at a later point in time.

This can be especially useful if you glance at something in a project specification while looking for something entirely different. You could flag a reminder in a trade heading or item so that you remember to go back to that section and include it as specified in your estimate.




  • Official comment


    We have added Flags into Cubit Estimating, and you can easily navigate between rows you've flagged, and they can easily be identified because of their coloured background. 

    I hope you've managed to use this feature to its full use.


    Danny Beaton - Product Manager | Cubit Estimating

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  • Hi Todd,

    Thanks for this suggestion, i can definitely see how this could be beneficial.
    I have passed this suggestion along to our development team for review.
    If adopted this will appear in a future version of the software.

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