
Cost Planning - Element Unit Costs (Cubit)

When you create a cost plan in Global Estimating, after the items and costs have been developed in the trade breakup sheet, the provision exists for items to be tagged and at Job Summary Level, a cost per unit for that element is developed (cost per m2, m ,no) etc. This is in addition to the building costs per m2 based on GFA which is a separate calculation altogether.

Is it possible to enable the headings within an estimate to calculate a unit costs for items that appear under the heading line. Perhaps the user defines the unit of measure and quantity to enable this unit cost to be established. 

This function is really a QS / Cost Planning function 



1 comment
  • Official comment


    We have implemented Trade Rates in Cubit. Trade Rates can be used to calculate the Rate of a Trade Heading, you can do this by selecting which Items contribute to the Trade. These Trade Rates can also be seen in Trade Reports. Trade Rates were introduced in Cubit version 7.1 and made available from 26th April 2017.



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