Line tool which extends

Is it possible to have a line tool which extends both ends (for example: when drawing a line over a window opening for a lintel dimension......being able to specify end bearings for each side)?



  • Frank, Thank you again for sharing your ideas.

    The Cubit Referencing feature can help you to calculate the Lintel dimension. 

    Please refer to the below Cubit how-to video for a similar example. The video explains how referencing in cubit can be used to calculate window/door Architraves.



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  • Thanks Savitha, I am aware of this feature.  Thankyou.

    The reason why I asked for the line tool extension is because lintel sizes vary for each opening width.

    The feature you have suggested to use, allows for all windows and/or doors within one total.

    I therefore cannot seperate lintel sizes for each window.

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