
Timber Stud Calculation

Could we get a feature that will allow us to calculate the number of studs per wall including studs on either sides of windows, doors and openings. Similar to the length by centre but able to understand where additional studs will need to be for those listed above. Also if possible doing a vertical length by centre feature which also able to input additional studs where needed



  • Official comment

    Hi Aarshia, 

    A better way to take off studs, and similar components, has been requested by quite a few of our customers, and we have already identified this as something we want to improve within the software. 

    You can still estimate these with Cubit Estimating currently using a column like Factor to add multipliers to turn a length into a stud count.  


    Danny Beaton, Product Manager

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  • Hi Aarshia! Thank you for your suggestions. I will forward them on to our Product Managers for you

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  • I agree, this would also be very helpful when dealing with 'raked walls' to determine common stud lengths. If we could do as a minimum "vertical length by centre feature" this would solve having to draw the walls and import the quantity results into Cubit.

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  • This should be implemented as soon as possible. It could be useful for not only studs but bored piers in basements.

    Please fast track a "vertical length by centre" .

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