New Project / Job Details

When creating a new project and then establish a new job file, if the project had its details filled in for address description etc, then these details should be copied over when creating the job file, more importantly overwriting any template's details, where if a template was nominated. 

This seems like a simple heirarchy fix. 

Also secondary request. Add in a field to show last person to edit the job file. 



1 comment
  • Hi David,

    Thanks for passing through these suggestions.
    For the main suggestion you mentioned here.
    Cubit should already be taking the details from the project details and applying them to the jobs.
    This is something I quickly just tested myself to make certain.

    If this is not currently working for yourself, can you confirm for me what version of Cubit you are currently working with?
    You can confirm this by clicking the inforamtion icon in the top right hand corner of the software.

    In regards to the secondary request for showing the last user who edited the job.
    I'll definitely pass this request along for review.


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