Haydon Carroll
The Cubit Estimating 2024 version overcomes the performance issues experienced in version 11 See this article for further information - https://www.buildsoft.com.au/blog/cubit-estimating-2024-july...
This issue is resolved in 12.0.3 release - https://bsoft.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/10243859709071-Cubit-Estimating-2024-12-0-3-is-now-available
Hi Kevin, some in the industry call it the COG length. i.e. the length that is turned at the end of a steel bar
Awesome article Michael. Very helpful. Thank you.
If you require download links for Cubit Estimating, please send an email to support.buildsoft@mii.com with your company or software registration name details, and the installers for the version num...
You can also use the ''Length by Centres'' Result type to calculate the total lineal meterage of steel required, and then use the ''Constants'' feature to insert the relevant conversion factor pend...
Hi Aidan Use the link in this blog post - https://www.buildsoft.com.au/blog/cubit-estimating-release-jun-2022- Hope this helps
This also applies to Cubit Estimating 2022 (version 11)
Hi David Thanks for the comment. Will you be needing to export estimate information from Cubit back into the legacy Global Estimating system? If yes, your cost code cannot be any longer than 6 ch...
Another option David is to add "-100" into the Markup column against the item. This will leave the item in the estimate sheet with its Qty and Rate, but no Total will appear for the item as it is m...