Cubit Version Is Now Available


Buildsoft has released an important update for the Cubit software on Wednesday 22nd of July.
For more details about this update, including download links, please visit our blog via the link below.

Cubit Product Update


  • Bartender Picked Rates are now displayed in the colour Teal when part of an
    External Row Reference.

  • Added the ability to underline the term Extra over when printing a Bill of
    Quantities report. This is turned on by default and can be disabled within the
    BoQ options.

  • Updated some wording related to the new Flags feature. “Edit Flag” and
    “Advanced” are now “Flag Comment” to better represent what the option is

  • Added an option to Remove ^^^ symbols from an imported or transferred
    Global Estimating job. This can be turned on or off within the Cubit Options

  • The opening times for large IFC files within the Cubit viewport have been
    greatly reduced.



  • Fixed a rare issue where you were unable to upgrade Cubit if your current
    database is using Postgres 9.0.

  • Fixed an issue where Bartender information including picked rates would be
    lost when you copied an already copied job that has picked rates.

  • Fixed an issue where some PDF plans could not be imported into Cubit.

  • Fixed an issue where all jobs would not get listed when trying to assign a job
    for referencing.

  • Fixed an issue where an item’s Total would be displayed as blank if that item
    had a Calculation Sheet.

  • Fixed a rare issue where Full Page Plan report would not be generated

  • Fixed an issue where items that were marked as Exclude from Total were able
    to be transferred across to programs other than Global.

  • Fixed an issue where importing Grouping Codes from csv file was copying the
    inches symbol twice.

  • Fixed an issue where the Details Pane would scroll when scrolling other

  • Fixed an issue where clicking on white spacing to the left of the Estimate
    Sheet would lose focus on the highlighted cell.

  • Fixed an issue where loading DWG plans would not Zoom fit.

  • Fixed an issue where the default Pricelist would not be marked as a template
    by default.

  • Fixed an issue with the New library opening window where you could not
    close it if you left the width and height blank.

  • Fixed an issue where when selecting a rounding option through one of the
    dropdowns in the ribbon, the selection in the other two dropdowns would get

  • Fixed an issue where Adjust Rates would sometimes appear off-screen in
    multi-monitor setups.

  • Fixed a rare issue where opening a newly created Job with an assigned group
    code would sometimes cause an exception.

  • Fixed an issue where a copied item would not display the Rel in the
    description if the Rel belonged to an item in the Calculation Sheet.

  • Fixed an issue where an incorrect message “Updating Job” would be displayed
    when updating a price list using Update.

  • Fixed a rare issue where an exception would occur when pasting an item in a
    price list that was copied from a rate sheet.

  • Flag alignments and imagery has been refined on 4K resolution.

  • Fixed a rare issue with 4K resolution where the Navigation pane did not scale
    to the correct size.

  • Fixed an issue where the Find field in the References pane was obscured on
    4K resolution.

  • Fixed an issue where the Details pane would not scroll when using your arrow
    keys to move down the list of items.
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