Cubit Estimating Version Is Now Available


Buildsoft has released an update for the Cubit Estimating software on Tuesday 23rd of June 2020.
For more details about this update, including download links, please visit our blog via the link below.

Cubit Estimating Update: Version Now Available


● We have improvised the default Quantity Rounding to Round Up.

● We have improved how windows and messages are displayed in Cubit Estimating. By default, windows will open on the active monitor.


● Fixed an issue where selecting a Grouped View might cause a delay before being shown.

● Fixed an issue where a Job is exported by excluding its Cubit Select Picked Rates would get
exported with Picked Rates.

● Fixed an issue where merging 2 jobs in a Job Revision would create a Job where you would
be unable to complete the revision.

● Fixed a rare issue where sometimes Auto Select would not takeoff Shapes on some Plans.

● Fixed an issue where copying and pasting Job that has Cubit Select Picked Rates might display
incorrect rates.

● Fixed an issue where moving your Plan in the Viewport would revert back to its initial
position when the Plan is reopened.

● Fixed an issue in the Rate sheet where you would not be able to clear values in the No.
column using backspace.

● Fixed an issue where some Constant Codes were not matching their Descriptions.

● Fixed an issue where updating Company while importing a Job that was previously exported
would remove the Company information.

● Fixed an issue where inserting a formula that has missing reference from a Template would
display an error message.

● Fixed an issue where a BOQ with long Closing text would not print correctly.

● Fixed an issue where deleting a Rate item would not recalculate the Rate Total.

● Fixed an issue where the Tax value would be removed when using Import Global Job.

● Fixed an issue where Reference List would sometimes appear in large dimensions.

● Fixed an issue where you would not be able to import a Job into Cubit Estimating 9 that includes a 2D Plan Revision exported from Cubit Estimating 10 using Cubit Estimating 9 Compatibility CBX.

● Fixed an issue where deleting an Estimate item that has reference to its quantity would
display an error message.

● Fixed an issue where sending Job to Cubit Select, a success message would get displayed even
when Cubit Select was displaying error messages in certain instances.

● Fixed an issue where a Grouped Job, grouped based on Quantity codes would incorrectly
display items that were Excluded from Total.

● Fixed an issue where some saved reports containing Cubit Select information would display an
error message.

● Fixed an issue where BOQ page numbers would not line with the columns correctly.

● Fixed an issue where creating references to Openings and performing Job Update would
display an error message.

● Fixed an issue where Grouped Views where displaying items that were Excluded from Total.

● Fixed an issue where you would not be able to edit Variation Details.

● Fixed an issue where the checkbox in Insert from Pricelist would not be editable if you were
using a resolution of 4K or higher.

● Fixed an issue where you would not be able to resize the Colour column in the Item sheet.

● Fixed a rare issue where rate items marked as Excluded from Total were not transferred to
Global Estimating correctly.

● Fixed an issue where sometimes selecting multiple line segments of a Shape in the Details
and clicking on one would rename the Description of all selected lines.

● Fixed an issue where editing a Quantity that was used as a source of a reference in a
Calculation sheet would display an error message.

● Fixed an issue where sometimes editing formulas in the Formula Bar would display an error

● Fixed an issue where the Grouped View total was incorrectly displayed when one or more
Variation Items were set to Finalised.

● Fixed an issue where sometimes creating reference to windows would display an error

● Fixed an issue where a Job created from a Price List would have its Quantity Rounding set to
Exact by default.

● Fixed an issue where the visibility eye icons in Shapes pane would be set to hidden when
adding BIM revision.

● Fixed an issue where indenting or unindenting the last row in the Item sheet or Rate sheet
would lose the Item’s highlight.

● Fixed an issue where deleting the last row in the Openings library after clicking the Listed
checkbox would become unresponsive.

● Fixed an issue where sometimes updating a Job after changing an Item in the Rate Sheet
from a Template would display an error message.

● Fixed an issue where sometimes keyboard shortcuts would not work when Cubit Estimating is opened across multiple monitors.

● Fixed an issue where the visibility eye icons were appearing very small if you were using a
resolution of 4K or higher.

● Fixed an issue where Cascade selection in Insert from Pricelist would be set incorrectly.

● Fixed an issue where View in Viewport would not work for closed Plans.

● Fixed an issue where Estimate item would not get highlighted when selecting an item from
its corresponding Calculation sheet for Designer Black skin.

● Fixed an issue where copying the Quantity from the row above using the F4 key in the Item Sheet would not copy down its Rounding information.

Known Issues

● There is a known issue where the Variation report will not display the default description.

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