A Shapes Report is available in Cubit Estimating which allows the user to print a snapshot of the measured Takeoffs from their plans.
1. Open a Job and click Data tab.
2. Click Shapes down arrow from the Reports ribbon to select a Takeoff report.
Fig 1. Shapes Reports
Fig 2. Sample Shape report
The Shapes Report available to print 3 types of Takeoff Reports.
- Takeoff report
The Takeoff report prints an open plan on the Viewport along with all the measurements/Takeoffs including hidden shapes measured on the open plan.
This report will print the plan the exact same way it is displayed on the viewport. ie zoom (both 2D/3D) on the viewport.
- Takeoff report with all Plans:
The Takeoff report with all Plans will print ALL plans opened on the Viewport along with all the measures/Takeoffs including hidden shapes measured on all the open plans
This report will print the plan the exact same way it is displayed on the viewport. ie zoom (both 2D/3D) on the viewport.
- Takeoff report without hidden shapes:
The Takeoff Report without hidden shapes prints an opened plan on the Viewport. This report will exclude any shape which is marked as hidden on the open plan.
This report will print the plan the exact same way it is displayed on the viewport. ie zoom (both 2D/3D) on the viewport.
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