Assigning Grouping Codes to a Job from Cubit version 7 to 10


Cubit Version 7 to Cubit Version 10

Job Grouping or Grouped Views, allows you to group similar information together using Quantity group codes or Rate group codes.

In Cubit Estimating Standard edition, one (1) group code can be assigned per Job and up to twenty (20) codes for Cubit Estimating Professional edition.

Assigning Group Codes

1. To assign grouping codes to a job, open the Job in Cubit Estimating, and select Edit Columns from the Configuration tab.

Fig 1. Edit Columns

2. From the list of Group Codes, tick the code list to be assigned to the job.
Note: The ability to add more than one (1) code list is only available in the Professional version of Cubit Estimating.


Fig 2. Codes List

3. The code column will then be added to the job. When you double-click in a cell in this column, it will list the codes for you to pick from.


Fig 3. Code Column

Assigning Codes for Jobs transferred from Global Estimating or Offsider Estimating to Cubit Estimating:

For Cubit Estimating jobs that have come from Global Estimating or Offsider Estimating, their codes need to be applied with the Q/Q2/R/R2 Constraint.

1. From the Grouping Codes window, tick the constraint boxes to apply Q/Q2/R/R2 Constraint accordingly.


Fig 4. Constraint

In the case where the codes do not meet the requirement, a warning like below is displayed.
Edit the codes to make sure the length of the codes adheres to the Rules.


Fig 5. Constraint Violation

2. Open the Global Estimating transferred Job in Cubit Estimating and select Edit Columns from the Data tab. 

Fig 6. Edit Columns in the Job

3. In the Group mapping window, under ESW group mapping, use the drop-box to list the Constraint to select from.


Fig 7. ESW Group Mapping 

4. The code column will then be added to the Job. When double-clicked it will list the codes for you to pick from.                       mceclip0.png

Fig 8. Group Code with Constraint (Q/Q2/R/R2)

Un-Assigning Group Codes From a job

If needed, you can un-assign/remove the code column from the Edit Columns window at any time.

1. In Cubit Estimating click Edit Columns from the Configuration tab.

Fig 9. Edit Columns

2. Un-tick the code file to be removed from the Job. The following alert will be displayed


Fig 10. Unassign Codes


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  • How can I use this feature to install three levels of codes?


    Preliminaries is 01

    Company Management is 01.02

    Estimator 01.02.010

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  • Hi David

    Thanks for the comment. Will you be needing to export estimate information from Cubit back into the legacy Global Estimating system?  

    If yes, your cost code cannot be any longer than 6 characters. You would need to use 010210 as your cost code instead of 01.02.010

    If you are only going to use Cubit, your cost codes can be up to 25 characters long.

    Global Estimating R2 coding columns can only accept up to 6 characters.

    I hope this helps. 


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