Create Constants in Cubit Estimating


Feature Availability: Available from Cubit Estimating version 7

Constants Table is where universal values and frequently used conversion values are saved in Cubit Estimating.

By default, the Constants library includes factors to convert measurements between Metric and Imperial measurements and a wide range of steel weight tables.

You can manage your Constants library from the Job Manager, where you can create, edit and delete Constants. 


Fig 1. Constants

Creating Constants

You can create a new group of Constants from the Job Manager.
1. From the Job Manager, click Constants from the Data group in the ribbon.


Fig 2. Constants from Job Manager

The Constants window will open.


Fig 3. Constants Table

2. Select a Constants group name from the left pane or select an empty row and type a new Constants heading.

3. On the right pane, select an empty row and use Add Item button to add new Constants.


Fig 4. Add Item

4. Type a Code, Description and Value for your Constant.


Fig 5. Add Constant Item Details

Note: You can create as many Constants for a group as you want as there is currently no limit.

5. Click the Delete to delete the selected row.


Fig 6. Delete Constant Item

6. Click Close to finish.


You may also find the following articles most helpful:

Exporting and Importing Cubit Constants

Insert Constants into a Job or Pricelist







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