Manually Updating A Cubit Estimating Server Database


When starting a Cubit Estimating Network Client after running the software update, if you are given the message of Database version number is not the same as the application (X.000.00X.00), it means that the Cubit Estimating Server Database has not yet been updated.

We advise you run the Cubit Estimating Server Installers on the Cubit Estimating Server. However, for any reason you do not have direct access to the Cubit Estimating Server, then You can update the Cubit Estimating Server Database from your own computer as long as you have the necessary server connection details.

To Manually Update the Network Database:

1. Browse to C:\Program Files\Buildsoft\Cubit\ and run the Cubit Management.exe.

Note: The Cubit Management shortcut may also be on your desktop.

Fig 1. File Explorer 

2. In case there is no connection already setup for the Cubit Estimating Server's Database, click Connect to setup the connection.


Fig 2. Cubit Management Console 

3. In the following Connect to Database window, Enter the Cubit Estimating Network Database connection details as below. Click OK when done.

Note: Please get in touch with your I.T department/Supervisor for the server information. The information entered is case sensitive.

Cubit Estimating Network Database connection details:

Server: [Server Name/IP Address]
Port: 5432
Database: buildsoft
User Name: buildsoftuser
Password: Buildsoftuserpassword


Fig 3. Connect to Database 

4. Click Upgrade button from the top Home Ribbon.


Fig 4. Upgrade 

5. You will notice a list of available patches yet to be applied. Click Upgrade to apply those patches.

Fig 5. Upgrade Database

6. When the upgrade is complete, Restart Cubit Estimating.

Note: Cubit Estimating should start normally and allow you to connect to the Cubit Estimating Server. If you encounter any further issues please email our Support Team at:

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