What is Job Analysis?
Job Analysis can sort the Job according to Codes applied to items in the Job. Using Job Analysis, the Job can be sorted to separate a particular type of trade, Eg. all the Concrete or all the labour in the Carpentry trade. This can also be used as a Management tool to decide if it is costing too much for hired machinery etc.
Job Analysis can also be used to separate the estimate, so a part of it can be handed to your subcontractors for them to quote using the quantities you have calculated. Within Offsider Estimating, these codes file are referred to as Q and R code files.
Uses of Code Tables
The Code Tables that have been created can be used to sort the Job in a number of formats. Usually these will be by Quantity or by Rates but due to demands of business, codes can be used for basic cost analysis of separate parts of the building / project.
Creating Code Tables
To Create a Q Code or R Code Table. (Q to sort by Quantity, R to sort by Rate)
1. To create a new Code Table, click the File Menu on the Job Summary level of a job, and select the appropriate View Code File option.
Fig.1 View R Code File
2. Press the Open button. A Windows file box will be displayed.
Fig.2 Code Window
3. Enter a name for the new table in the File Name: box.
Fig.3 File Name
4. Press Open the new Code Table will be displayed.
5. Enter the codes and trades to be used. Please do not insert blank lines and ensure all codes have a description and all descriptions have an associated code. E.g. you may wish to enter code L for Labour, M for Material, S for Sub-Contractor and so on. There is a limit of two character codes within Offsider and 6 character codes if using Global Estimating System (this is the R2 code option).
6. Click the Close button when finished. This file can be edited at any time.
The selected Code file will then be linked to the Job you have opened, and will be the default code file for all future Jobs.
Code Tables can also be created from Pricelist by selecting View Q/Q2/R/R2 Code File from the File menu.
Q Codes can be copied to the Calculation Sheet Level.
R Codes can be copied to the Rate Breakup Sheet Level.
Multiple code tables can be created, but only one code file can be used per Job. It is advisable to select the correct Code Table before starting to code a Job.
Display Code Columns within the Job
To display the Code Columns within an estimate please do the following:
1. At the Trade breakup level, select Other menu.
Fig.4 Other Menu
2. Select Show Screen Columns.
Fig.5 Show Screen Columns
3. Select the code group you want to view.
Fig.6 Select Columns
4. Press OK.
Only the required column needs to be turned on either Q, R .
The Q Column can be used at the Calc Sheet level of the estimate.
The R Column can be used at the Rate Breakup level of the estimate.
Using Q Code
If you were to employ subcontractors to do some of the work and wanted to separate this work to calculate a quote, when estimating, for example all concrete items could be coded CO in the Q Code Table.
Then when the Estimate is finished, a new Job can be sorted out from the current Job, by using Perform Q Analysis. The sorted Job would have a new Trade called CO - Concrete. This trade can then be printed as a separate Bill of Quantities and handed to the subcontractor to quote on.
This sorting of the Estimate could also be used to calculate the percentage of one or more materials compared to the whole Job or to gain a total Labour, Material and subcontractor Quantity.
Using R Code
An example of the use of the "R" coding ability is if you were required to separate the labour content from the material or from different types of Rates, IE. subcontractor from your own workers. When estimating, each type of labour could be coded differently. An example is that Sub-Contract labour could be coded as S for Sub- Contract labour and your labour could be coded O from the "R" Code Table for Own Labour. All subcontractor Items would then be coded with S and items that you will complete, could be coded with O.
Then when the Estimate is finished the Job can be resorted using the Perform "R" Analysis and separate trades will be created called subcontractor and Own Labour, this could be then used as a method of analysing if you are using the correct amount of subcontractors. This could also be used to separate any labour content that the customer would be contributing.
Extra Coding Columns of the Calculation Sheet
Extra columns of the calculation sheet can be displayed, the presence of these columns will depend upon the options selected. The Group "Q" code columns can be displayed when coding a job before a Job Analysis is to be performed.
To display the code columns :-
- Select Other from the drop down menu or press the "Show Screen Columns" icon.
Fig.7 Show Screen Columns Icon - Select Show Screen Columns.
Fig.8 Select Columns - Place a tick next to the item Group Q.
- Press OK.
Extra Coding Columns of the Rate Breakup Sheet
Extra columns of the rate breakup sheet can be displayed, the presence of these columns will depend upon the options selected.
The Group R code columns can be displayed when coding a job before a Job Analysis is performed.
To display the code columns :-
- Select Other from the drop down menu or press the Show Screen Columns icon.
Fig.9 Show Screen Columns Icon - Select Show Screen Columns.
Fig.10 Select Columns - Place a tick next to the item Group R.
- Press OK.
Sorting a Coded Job (Perform Job Analysis) to calculate required information
To sort a Job once it has been coded.
- At the Job Manager, highlight the job to be analysed/sorted.
Fig.11 Highlighted Job - Select the Analysis heading from the command line or the Coding icons.
Fig.12 Analysis Heading - Select the required analysis type, "Q", "R" from the Analysis heading.
Fig.13 Analysis Type - Enter a name for the new job and press OK. You will then be asked for your preferences when the re sorted job is being created.
Fig.14 New Job Name - Analyse Calc or Rate Sheets - this will look at the calc or rate sheets and code items at the calc or rate sheet level if required.
- Adjust Rates or Quantity to allow for rounding - select your preference.
- Exclude Trades with out items - This will, if selected, remove blank Trades.
After sorting the new job will be opened at the summary level displaying the newly sorted list of
- Two extra trades maybe included in the new sorted estimate called Uncoded and Incorrectly Coded
- Uncoded - all items that have not been coded
- Incorrectly Coded - all items that have been coded incorrectly, this could be because the code used was not on the code table or has been entered incorrectly.
- The original Job is not altered, and is still on the Job List.
- The new Job does not have any links to the original MTO drawings if any exist.
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