Feature availability: Cubit Estimating Professional version only.
The Rel column adjusts the description of an Item in the Estimate to include a specific calculation. The Rel column is useful to include specific details that you might need for completing an estimate or construction, but don’t want to apply a cost from that calculation.
The Rel column is a drop-down menu that allows you to select Number of, Length, Area, Timber Len, Description or Length by Centre. In the Estimate sheet, each option specifically refers to the Calculation Sheet and the shapes that comprise it. In the Calculation Sheet, each option specifically refers to the Shape that the Rel column is selected on.
Fig.1 Rel drop down options
To make this available in either your Estimate or Calculation Sheet, please do the following:
Right-click on the Description heading and select "Column Chooser"
Fig.2 Column Chooser
Locate "Rel" from the Customization window and click to select and hold down the button while you drag it to a column heading in the Estimate or Calculation sheet
Fig.3 Rel from Customization window
The Rel Column is now available for you to select from its drop-down menu. The relational information will be appended to its Description[]
Fig.4 Sample Areal Rel
Which versions of Cubit support this feature?
Hello Jarrod.
The Rel Feature is available in Cubit Professional version only.
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