
Pitch is the amount of slope on a roof. In Cubit Estimating, the Area pitch option is for specifying an angle to an enclosed shape with an Area result type.


To set the Slope:

1. Open the Job.

2. Create a new item in the Item Sheet and set the Result type as Area.

3. On the Viewport, open the plan for takeoff.

4. Ensure you have selected Polyline from Home tab, Shapes group to draw a shape.


Fig 1. Polyline Shape tool

5. On the New task pane, under the heading New Shape, edit the Description to edit the name of the shape and select the Area pitch from the drop-down menu.


Fig 2. Area pitch New task

6. Take off from the plan.

Once you have done this, the quantity will be returned to the Estimate as normal and you can check the pitch in the Details pane.


To review or alter the pitch from a drawn shape:

1. On the Item sheet, locate and select the item you wish to edit the pitch.

2. On the Item's Calculation Sheet, select the specific shape and its takeoff information should be displayed on the Details pane.

3. Click and select the value on the Pitch  The Quantity value will change depending on the change in pitch.

Fig 3. Pitch in Details pane



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