Using an Excel Template to export a Cubit Estimating Job


You can use a Template when exporting to Microsoft Excel

To use an Excel Template:

From an open Job:

1. Click Data tab.

2. Click Export from the Excel ribbon.

3. Click Export down arrow and select the Template to be used. 


Fig 1. Select Export Template

The Excel Exporter window will open and you can make any changes to the Template if you need.


Fig 2. Select Export Template

4. Click Export to export the Job.

5. A Save As window will open and you can browse and select a location to save the Excel export and give the file a name.
Note: Excel Workbook(*xlsx) is the default file type that will be created, you can change this to

6. Click Save.


You may also find the following links most helpful:

Export a Cubit Estimating Job to Excel

Creating Excel Templates to export a Cubit Estimating Job

Managing Excel Templates


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