Cubit Select: Invitations and Document Management Webinar FAQs

  Question Answer
1 If I send an invitation to a supplier together with the associated Trade Package documents, and if they share the email invitation with someone else in their organisation, can that other person access and download the Trade Package documents too? Yes. Anyone who has the email and clicks on the provided link will be able to access and download the documents for that Trade Package
2 Is there a file size limit for documents I want to upload? Files cannot exceed 2GB in size. You may upload up to 10,000 documents per job
3 If I update a Trade Package document, can I notify the suppliers who have already been invited to contribute a bid? Yes. You can send emails through the Trade Packages screen to all of your invited suppliers. Click on the vertical ellipses in the top right corner and select "Send a message to all suppliers"
4 What files types can be uploaded or Job and Trade Package documents? You can upload any file type.
5 Where are the uploaded documents hosted? Your documents are stored securely in the Cubit Select Cloud.
6 Are there associated fees for using the Documents and Trade Package features? No. Your license fee for Cubit Select covers the cost of these features.
7 Do subcontractors need access to Cubit Estimating or Cubit Select in order to access the Trade Package documents I send to them as part of my invitation to bid? No. Your suppliers/subcontractors do not need to access Cubit Select or Cubit Estimating in order to access the documents you have assigned.
8 What estimating software is Cubit Select integrated with? Cubit Select is directly integrated with Cubit Estimating.
9 Can I import an Excel file containing my subcontractors and their details in the Suppliers tab within Cubit Select? Yes. Please see our Cubit Select Spotlight - Supplier Management video and How Does Import Supplier Work? article for detailed information on this process
10 If we have an administrator sending invitations to bid to our suppliers, does that person need access to Cubit Estimating or Cubit Select? Your administrator will need to have a valid subscription to Cubit Select in order to send invitations to bid to your suppliers. There is no need for them to have a licence for Cubit Estimating.
11 Do subcontractors need to subscribe to Cubit Select in order to access Trade Package documents sent to them? No. Your suppliers/subcontractors do not need to subscribe to Cubit Select in order to access the documents you have assigned.


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