After uploading your documents, you can invite a supplier to contribute a bid to your job and
manage the Invitations and communication with your suppliers through the Trade Packages
Fig 1. Trade Packages page
When you have set up Trade Categories for your suppliers on the Supplier Details page and
the Trade Packages page, Cubit Select will recommend suppliers for you when you click
Invite Suppliers.
Fig 2. Set Trade Categories for Trade Packages
Click Invite Suppliers next to the Trade Package you wish to interact with. You will see a list of
Recommended Suppliers based on the Trade Categories you have set for the Trade
Package and the Suppliers in your Supplier List. If a supplier has provided a quote to the
same Trade Package in a different job, they will also appear in the list. You can also search for
other existing Suppliers or add a New Supplier to Cubit Select.
The Primary Contact will be listed, however, you can choose a different Contact for your
supplier, or you can add a New Contact. Suppliers must have a valid Email address associated
in order to be invited.
Fig 3. Contacts menu in the Choose Suppliers dialogue
You can see important information about your supplier, such as the number of quotes that they
are currently contributing to other jobs that are in progress, the number of quotes that have
been successfully picked, the number of quotes they have submitted to all jobs - previous and
currently in progress, and the number of times they have been invited to provide a quote.
To invite suppliers to contribute a bid, select them using the checkboxes on the left of each
listing, then click Invite. You will see the Send Invitation dialogue.
Fig 4. search and select Suppliers to invite
The Send Invitation window displays details of the invitation like the name of the Trade
Package, Documents associated with it, and the Closing Date of the Job. You can also add
more details in the Additional Info field which will be added to the email to your suppliers.
The User field will set the bid response contact information which is provided on the invitation. You
can choose a User from the Cubit Select users in your company who have access to the job.
The User Name, Email, and Phone can be set up in the User Profile. This is handy when you
require full control of contact for invitation responses when multiple people are working on the
You can choose to send a Test Email to yourself in order to double-check the content of the
email that will be received by your suppliers.
Fig 5. Send Invitation
The Invitation Email will be sent from Your Company Name via Cubit Select. Suppliers can
go to the Supplier Portal and view the documents that you have assigned to this Trade
Package by clicking the View Documents button or the link below it.
Fig 6. Invitation Email
Within the Supplier Portal, your supplier will see the Name and Location of the project, the
Contact Name, Company, Phone, and Email of the bid response Contact User to send their
bid, the Time and Date that those bids are due, and all the documents available to them. Your
supplier can Download documents individually, or select multiple documents and download
them as a zip file. They can also Preview the documents directly in the browser.
Fig 7. Supplier Portal
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