Job Revisions and Alignment in Cubit Estimating


Feature Availability: Version 10 and above

Plan Revisions can only be added while a job is in Job Revision

1. From the Home tab, click Begin Revision

Fig 1. Begin Job Revision

 2. Type the Revision name and click OK.


Fig 2. Revision Name

A new Revisions Manage tab will be displayed. This will only be available while the job is in Revisions state.

Fig 3. Revisions Manage tab

Adding a plan for Revision

1. From the Manage tab, click Add on the Plan Change ribbon.

Fig 4. Add Plan Change

2. In the Open window, locate and select the revised plan you want to use. Click Open.

3. Tick the page to insert and select the Plan to revise from the drop-down menu. Click OK.


Fig 5. Select PDF pages

When a revised 2D plan is imported into your estimate, the Viewport pane will highlight the difference between the original and revised plan. Added elements not in the original plan will appear in green, while removed elements will appear in red. Unchanged elements of takeoff will appear in grey. 

 Note: These colours are valid for plans inserted as Vector only and can be specified in Cubit Option’s Viewport screen. For more information on how to do this please refer to our Plan Revision and Aligning

mceclip5.pngFig 6. Revised Plan

In the Plans pane, you can manage both the original plan and revised plan, select the eye beside either plan to toggle viewing it on the Viewport pane.


Fig 7. Revised Plan

Align Plan:

Sometimes you would see the plans are a bit off and not properly aligned above each other. In such a case, you can use the align option to overlap the plans correctly.

Note: The different colours of the take-off will be displayed on vector plan types only. In Raster plan types the take-off will be displayed in Grey colour.

Fig 8. Unaligned Plans

1. In the Plans ribbon, click on the Align button.


Fig 9. Align 

2. Pick 2 Node points on the plan which is off.

Fig 10. Original Takeoff position

3. Select 2 more points on the plan, where the first chosen Line needs to be moved to.

Fig 11. Final Take off position

The Plan will now be aligned and overlap with each other more accurately.

Fig 12. Aligned Plan

Remove a Plan Change

2D Plan Changes can be individually removed by clicking the Remove button under the Plan Change group in the Manage tab. This button is only enabled if there are 2D Plan Revisions in the job.

Fig 13. Remove Plan Change

Note: Removing a Plan Change removes the current revision of an open Plan and reverts it back to the previous version. This will not revert any changes to the takeoff since the Revision was added.


Edit existing shapes and Finalise Job Revision

1. Edit existing shapes if needed. For more information on how to edit existing shapes, click here

2. To save the Plan Change, from the Manage tab, click Finalise in the Job Revision group.

Fig 14. Finalise 

3. Click Finalise Anyway to save changes and complete Job Revision.


Fig 15. Finalise Job Revision

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  • Thanks Elaine. What if I want for some reason get back to old version of takeoff/estimation after finalizing the revision???? Would you please explain how to view/edit previous revisions?

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  • Hi Mohamed,

    You can only revert the job back to its original state while the job is in revision mode.
    Once you have finalised the revision the changes are saved to the job, and so it is no longer possible to revert back.

    You could work around this however by backing up the job prior to the revision.
    This way if you needed to revert back to an earlier state you would restore the job backup that was made before the revision work was completed.

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  • Could you please fix the alignment issue in Cubit. I am assuming the person who designed the alignment was the same person who decided that a visible cost column was not required.

    Whenever you try to align plans it just rotates one plan no matter which order you try to align it in

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  • Hi Jarrad,

    Using the align tool should not cause any unwanted rotation of the plans.
    I just gave this a test on my test system and did not experience the plans rotating when attempting an alignment.

    However, if this is something you are experiencing when trying to align the plans as you mentioned, I would recommend raising a support ticket so that we can investigate the issue with you.

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